Michelle Butler

HS and Office Manager

Michelle supports NVL’s senior managers with her financial knowledge, eye for detail and proactive thinking. Michelle also works closely with Director, Angela, coordinating HR and HS.

When did you start working for NVL?
In June 2020.

What does your day at NVL look like?
I never know what to expect during my day, but in general it’s a day of multi-tasking between data capturing, accounts administration, HR, HS, payroll and anything else the Management Team or staff require.

What do you enjoy the most about working for NVL?
I enjoy that not every day is the same, which keeps my job interesting. You never know what you will walk into in the morning, I enjoy the variety of work I do but most of all we have one amazing team that produce outstanding work!

What has surprised you about working in the landscape industry?
I thought landscaping was just making a garden look beautiful, but it includes a variety of construction including decking, fencing, privacy screens, paving etc. and even pools!

Proudest achievement while at NVL?
It has to be been chosen for employee of the year in 2021.